Child Of Nature

In my mind, I am as wild and free as the woods.

I walk in lush, green grass and touch the trees,

With bark so rough and leaves with glossy sheen.

I marvel at the flowers that brightly sway

In the soft, warm breeze of a summer day,

With bees – the keepers of the Earth.

My thoughts take flight on wings of words,

To talk and sing and weave their tapestry

Like butterflies that dance and dart,

As multi-coloured birds begin their tale.

The river runs its course as I look on;

I blink, I am awake, and it is gone.

I rise to face the day, whatever comes

Within the constricts of an adult life;

But in my mind I shall forever be a child at play,

As wild as the woods, forever free.


© Alyson Mountjoy 12/11/2016