I have a dream

 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao-Tzu – The Way of Lao-tzu

This is a common quotation seen in motivational posters all over the internet and beyond. On the surface, this seems simple and logical, doesn’t it? But what does it really mean?

The message appears to be that if you want to achieve something you need to get started. All the thinking and planning in the world means nothing until you begin your journey. But if you consider the more literal translation from the original Chinese, it states that, “The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet”, meaning that wherever you are, that is where your journey starts. Lao-Tzu believed that action is a natural progression from stillness. However you look at it, I believe it to mean that your future is in your own hands. The choices are yours to make, yours to control. What you want to do or where you’re going, how you get there, if or when you make that first step, who goes with you on your journey, why you make that journey or start that task – these are all up to you, as is the choice to stay exactly where you are.

A decision not to do something is as valid as choosing to do something, if it is made consciously and carefully and not just arising out of inertia, or laziness. Inaction is in itself an action, when it is a born out of a conscious decision. Playing it safe and not doing anything is also a valid choice, if you have considered your options. If your life is as you want it to be, that is a rare gift; sit back and enjoy it. But if it isn’t, don’t be afraid to change it.

Sometimes inability to progress, to step forward, to start a new journey, may be beyond your control.  Maybe you want to make a trip or start a business, but you don’t have enough money yet, the time isn’t right, your health isn’t good, a chosen companion has other commitments – these are all reasons to wait. But so are lack of self-confidence and fear of the unknown. You might feel you need to be in the right mood, have the right mind-set. Things could go wrong, you could fail in your task, but isn’t it better to try than live in fear of ‘The Unknown’?  Yet ‘The Unknown’ may not necessarily be a bad thing. It might be great, beautiful and so much better than you ever dreamed! But you won’t know till you try…

Problems can be overcome – don’t give up on your dreams because of temporary delays. If you need money, wait till you can save up, or obtain other funding. If you haven’t the skills for the task at hand, learn them, or find someone to help you who already has them. If your health is the problem, wait until you are well enough and use the time to fine-tune your plans. But keep that dream alive as your goal, a reason to get well.

One day the time will be right; be open to what is around you and seize that opportunity when it presents itself.  Don’t be afraid of change – it may surprise you. What is in your heart, what you hold as your dream, is there for a reason.  Be confident in your own choices and capabilities – you might surprise yourself! Then when everything is ready, take that first step.

If what you chose to do turns out badly, that’s OK too. Equally, if you decide to abandon that dream in search of a new one, that is your choice.  Just pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes and start a new journey. We aren’t limited to one life goal, one dream – the possibilities are endless. A journey of a thousand miles might take you to a thousand different places. Enjoy the ride!

© Alyson Mountjoy

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